Yes...we have more fry!

You know your seahorses are pregnant too often when you quit posting pictures of the fry. Here is a picture of our male, Spirit, in labor. This his 3rd delivery in 7 weeks! Proud Mom, Mystery, is peaking around the corner.

There were about 30 surviving fry. We think the move to a new tank stressed him into premature labor. The surviving fry look awesome though!

Shaunda and Lee
Wow, that is awesome. My ponies from Carolyn don't seem to know how to make love yet but that is fine with me seeing as I don't have a setup ready for fry yet.
Have you thought about selling a few of these babies? I'd like to have one or two for my 1 gal nano.

Please let me know! :D

Seahorses should not be in a 1 gallon tank. It is way too small and not stable enough. Also babies should not be in a tank with liverock because of hydroids and unwanted creatures that can eat them.

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