xenia attaching

I just got four frags of xenia from a local reefer here in Dallas (thanks Jose!). I put them in the tank and I got a couple of them to stay in the holes in the rocks. the other two I had to hold the ends of the stalks down with a shell. My new koralia 2 is making some major flow. Anyway my question is will these things attach themselves soon like an anenome does? Also....I know xenias love iodine but what else should I be using? Do they need anything special to eat or do they just filter feed? Sorry for the noob questions....I just recently got interested in corals.
They won't attach as fast as an anemone, but they will attach. I've used rubber bands, and toothpicks, but wedging them into a crevice works just as well.

They don't need anything special, just keep your water parameters good and they'll be a weed in no time.