Www.reefaholics.org? - Any reports?

[The owner of Reefaholics has been a good personal friend of mine for a few years. I have no way of knowing what kinds of problems you're having, but if I can help, please let me know. :)]
Scott or I?
I(ReefGeekers) have NO! Problems at all. I always check to see what local groups are thinking or saying about some of the on-line and Mag coral selling companies.
We like to buy in many places and see what companies have to offer and since I/We do not see any people screaming about there service being bad, I would have to assume that they are a good company and I/We will probably be doing some shopping there as well as many other.
:) I would really hope more companies around here locally,will start stocking many species of Acro and types of SPS. We would like a company to start bringing in FULL lines of SPS/LPS types and also do Big! fraging operations so people can do grow-outs in there smaller & micro tanks. I think they would do well.]
Group buy is going to show,(to a small degree)how Reefermadness quality with frags come in, so I think we will know first hand of there operation, but I am always looking for somethings that are not readly found on every or any such sights.
I/We like to try and spread the money to local companies as well, it really helps our economy locally, weather or not we like every part of a stores operation. We do not think there is a perfect coral or business operation, coral and business have to adapt or they might be out of business, coral less so than the local LFS of course.
I/We only have 1 BAD! egg in our dealings with fish and or coral, that is RoseMarineWorld, an ebay frager and I would use another name than fragger but of course this is a family site and kids might be present.
Let's just say I've never seen Mountain Oysters as large as those. :blush21:]