WTT Rectangle Trigger for....?


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The trigger has amazing color. My phone can't capture the fish, let alone the color.  It's got lots of purple on the back half, bright blue lines on the head and fluorescent green near the tail.  It's truly the most beautiful one I've very seen.  It's only about 3" and has been very peaceful, kept in a reef, and never bothered anything (with 3x daily feedings).  The issue is I have asterinas and had to get a harlequin... and dont feel like feeding the trigger $30 snacks.  It's favorite food is krill. Krill being about the same size as the Harley... yea.So, I'm open to whatever you propose but, my preference would be:+some kind of ocellaris, sex doesn't matter(one of my pair got sucked into the skimmer)+interesting zoas+montipora digitatas (not orange, purple, or green)+tangs or angels(I'm about to add some qt fish to the display and it would be a good time to add others as well so, throwing that out there).