Who has Sea Horses?

I meet a few people at the swap who have sea horses that I did not know about in the club. I?m just wondering how many of us are out there. So please post what type and how many you have.

I have 3 Reidi all female
We have 5 baby erectus that are about 12 weeks old currently. Almost all are eating frozen food, but 2 little ones are still having a little problem with the size. My wife and I enjoyed talking with you at the frag swap too.

Doug and Joanna
I have 3 of them. The male is a Barb and the two girls are Reidis.They started breading a month or two ago.

I am currently setting up a tank for horses. Expect to have this up and running through the initail phases in a month or so.

It's ggod to know who I can go to for help.

Nikki... I really enjoyed your presentation.
I have 18 erectus (12 @ 4 months, 5@ 2 weeks and one young adult).

Some of the juvis are ready to go to new homes so if anyone is looking for Erectus, please feel free to PM me. These guys are super eaters and very active.

Thanks, Butchseaman. I am glad that some people enjoyed it.

I currently have 2 adult erectus and 7 babies that are three months old. Five of the babies are eating frozen well and growing quickly. I plan on keeping all of them.

I am glad to see that there has been some interest in seahorses lately.
I have about 5 dwarf seahorses, about 10 of their babies almost 6 months old and 3 motnths old. Hard to count coz they like to hide around the macro. Enjoy your presentation , Nicki .
@Atticusfinch wrote:
i have a erectus said:
Mike, this is a family-friendly website. Try to keep that in mind when you post. :lol: