White mouth Clownfish

my black misbar clownfish started developing a white bottom lip. jw if i should worry or not. he doesnt act any different. it pretty much looks like an extended under bite for a fish.

kind of hard to see but hopefully you get the idea


Watch to see what it is biting on. It may even be fighing with another fish, mouth-to-mouth.
As far as I see, he doesnt bite onto anything that would cause any damage, my orange ocellaris chases it sometimes but i don't ever see them bite each other mouth to mouth
looks like its getting worse.. the white portion got bigger and looks like a beard on the black clownfish. HELP!

he hasnt acted any different though, still eating normally. just swollen
Maybe Matt would know what to do. Can you post a new picture?
Ok it got a little better yesterday, but when i checked it today, the white is bigger and more swollen!!


could it be some fungus???
There is something called Lymphocystis, but since I couldn't see it clearly enough, I couldn't say for sure. It's commonly called clownfish disease. They get it, then it drops off of them all of a sudden. OR you take the clownfish out of the tank and carefully pluck it off them with tweezers. I had to do that once, and I think I was more scared than my poor little fish. He was fine thereafter.