Where does one find Panacur

Now that we made the one month mark, I hear that we have two possible obstacles to getting our fry to juvies
Getting them on frozen mysis, ( they need to grow a bit)
and Hydroids

We need panacur but I am not sure how one would go about getting it and where
TJay - Did a quick Google on it, and you can mail order it from here:


The generic name is Fenbendazole and:

fenbendazole is available over the counter (OTC) as granules in three packs of 1Gm packets, 2Gm packets or 4Gm packets.

So, you theoretically could walk into any vet's office and ask for it... Might even find it at PetsMart/Co...
I have done some more reading
I may not need it at all. Fry reering is so confusing
Some say scratching at that age is normal, some say panacur some say fresh water dips, still others say hypo and formalin

So I was hoping I could find panacur or formalin locally. I know I know cheaper on line, but I am a local shop kinda guy when I can.
TJay arent you feeding those decapped eggs from brineshrimpdirect? Hydroids are easy to see so if you see none there probably are none. Did you see them? I dont know up to what age hydroids can even hurt them. Are they itching bad? I've seen bbs get on their heads or backs and they scratch to get them off. Supposedly greenwater helps with itching too and it seemed to work with mine. They start itching and I'd dump in some greenwater and they'd stop. Also garlic seemed to help but of course I cant prove that.

Are all of them scratching?

One of the presentations we attended demonstrated the harpatichord copepods (don't remember the spelling of this variety but they are not calenoids (SP?)) will cling to fry (lkie fleas) and make them itch.

Tigger pods are the harpatichord variety (although they are a california larger that normal variety) and the seahorse folks here told us we should not buy them for the fry.

They have a great medication part of their site. I pretty much bought "one of everything" on their site so if you need to borrow anything until you can find it locally or order, just let me know. We are just up the road in Allen. I also have a bottle of Diamox to treat gas bubble disease (had to use it to treat our male and it does work) I ordered from some online pharmacy.

I would love to treat the fry tank with panacur as a precaution.
We are feeding decaped shrimp now but not at first.

It could be normal. I read more on the subject last night.

Lee if you would like to sell enough to dose a 5 gallon nano I would buy it.
I'll PM you my phone number. You can't buy it, but you can have a pack. If you ever buy a pack, you can replace my pack. If not, it was <$5 so no big deal.

Not really, just give me a call. I will be running in to Circuit City in Plano around lunch time. If you are near there, I could drop it by you place. Let me know what works.


That is south of us, if I am correct you are north of plano.

We are near the intersection of alma and spring creek. I can PM you our addy if you want to stop by. We would love another set of eyes on what we are doing. All suggestions and tips on how to improve the fry chances are greatly appreciated.
Look for Panacur and someone brings it over with frags.
Lee it was a pleasure to spend time with you. Thanks much for your help. I am heading off to read the link and make sure I dose correctly. I will keep everyone posted on the process. I have all but decided to do a treatment as a preventative measure for hydroids.

Thanks again, I wish you well and if there is anything we can do for you please dont hesitate to shout.
TJay and Donna,

It was nice meeting y'all today as well. Your seahorse tank (aka fry factory) and reef are beautiful! I'll be watching the board about 2 weeks from today to see what the latest fry count is. Good luck and hang in there.

Looks like you all might get a breather after all. Who needs anoher couple hundred mouths to feed anyway. :lol:

For future reference you can buy Fenbendozole at most Tractor Supply stores - it is a dog wormer and the active ingredient in Panacur.

I've found fry scratching to be caused by water quality issues more often than not - very common when trying to get them to chow down on the frozen. You can usually see the hydroids in the tank.
