Where did my blenny go? - Not seen for about 5 days now...

[I bought a bi-color blenny (at least I think thats what they called him) in order to eat algae in my tank. At first he would hide in the rocks and hopefully was happy. I have not seen him in about 5 days now. Is this normal?]
[....and he may be just small enough to be hiding in a hole!

I have a blenny that is almost 3" long. He constantly hides in holes, with just his nose sticking out! He even has a "favorite" place, in a rock shaped sorta like a car, and he hides in the driver's seat :)

Don't give up!

You might try feeding the fish, then take a step back from the tank, and see if he comes out to eat.]
[I had a Yellow Watchman Goby that jumped into my overflow. He stayed there for about a week till I finally got him out. He swam around the tank for about 3 days and has never been seen since! That was over a month ago. I do have a pistol shrimp that I thought he might have paired up with, but I think it's been to long since the last time I saw him. Poor little guy :cry:]
[Thanks for all your thoughts. I do also think he may just be in one of the holes but I would have thought he would come out once in a while and I would see him then. :-(

I tried looking for him a couple days ago by moving some of the rocks but no luck.

Thanks again.]
[Oh! Moving the rocks will NOT shake him out, so to speak! They would rather stay in a rock that is moving than come out. I know, 'cuz we killed one that way.

I was taking all the rock out of the tank to move it into a bigger tank. Never found the blenny. Come to find out, he stayed in the rock, which went into a tub of water - but it wasn't heated. Rough way to go - freeze to death!

And moving the rocks has probably scared him some. Get used to a new home, and have it moved on ya....]