What you need to know about Refugia

Fish Think Pink

Club Secretary
Staff member
Board of Directors

A reef tank is different from other types of tanks in a lot of ways, with one of the biggest being that most reef tanks utilize a sump to hold the equipment and to add volume to the system. An adjunct to having a sump is that some of us now take this sump one step further and use the sump, or at least part of it as a refugium.

Interestingly the definition of a refugium is an area of isolation in which a population of organisms can survive through a period of unfavorable conditions. While this is in part true, this is not what we mean when we say our system contains a refugium. First, our refugia are only isolated in the context that they are separate from our main display tanks. Second the organisms that we keep in them are generally kept there as a means for keeping them from being consumed by the tank’s inhabitants and lastly, a refugia is usually used as a means for reducing nutrients.

For complete article, please go:

Above article mentions Miracle Mud, and club was fortunate to recently have guest speaker featuring Miracle Mud. If you aren't already subscribed to club's YouTube channel, please do so. Use this link to jump to Miracle Mud recording at www.youtube.com/@dfwmas: