What to do in a Reef Tank Power Outage

Fish Think Pink

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What to do in a Reef Tank Power Outage​


Possibly one of the most daunting things you can encounter is sudden silence from the reef tank when the power goes out. Or perhaps you know the power is going out on a particular day for scheduled maintenance? Whether the power outage is due to natural disasters, accidents, or man-made issues, here are some things you can do to prepare yourself and the aquarium for the worst.

Don’t panic in a power cut​

You’ve got at least 2-3 hours of a dead still tank before livestock can even start to show signs of stress. The fish will most likely just hide when the lights go out. Corals might even go into feeding mode (but don’t feed them).

More information can be found in this complete article and be sure to get to the bottom for the cheaper 'elbow grease' solutions most people need that FIRST time when not ready: