Vortech Question

I just got 2 vortech mp40w used that were purchased new last October. Can anyone tell me how I can see if they are upgraded to Gen 2? I read the manual and it shows how to see what firmware I have but I dont understand it. Sorry if this is a noob question.
true "gen 2" you will need to call ecotech and give them the serial number. gen 2 and gen1 have different dry sides and the only way to tell is by serial number.

upgrading the wireless driver and wet side does not make it gen 2 it is still a gen 1 dry side pump.

It's really simple to tell if you have Gen 2 software. When pressing the mode button, you should be able to cycle through 5 different modes(colors). Green(constant speed), Purple(lagoon/random),Yellow(reef crest/random),blue(short pulse), red(long pulse). If you have the 5 modes it's gen 2. :D
