
Hi all, just bought a sea urchin at tran scape---dripping him now, but can't find any info on him---was told by ts that he is just a look at piece and would be no harm 2 fish or corals----he has a black body w/tan spikes--kinda small--maybe pincushion?
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don't know how 2 send pics on mas site--but can, if u tell me how
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Are his spikes longer than his body is around, or are they very short?

They're great algae eaters, but some of them can pick up shells, frags, and whatnot as well as moving things around the tank.

Overall, they're reef safe, but they might not be reef keeper safe. :)
Sure. Resize the pic to be 800 x 600 or smaller, then start a new post. Click 'add an attachment' and then click 'browse. Find where you saved the pic, and click 'ok'.

Click 'submit' and it's done :)
Most will be pretty much OK - always some risk - but can be big time bulldozers to unsecured rocks and frags.

Slate pencil urchins, however, I would not trust in a reef tank (particularly with soft corals). It is not so much that they would be active predators. Rather, they just tend to not be particularly selective in what they chew across.

Urchins are often given a bad rap for damaging coralline, but there is also fairly good indication that this grazing helps to spread it as well.
Agreed, Susan.. I'm on my third diadema sp urchin- the previous two went from golf ball sized to basketball sized algae eating machines, and my live rock is _covered_ in coraline.