tuxedo urchin and zoas

Okay, so I was checking out my aquarium and I noticed that some of my zoas had been relocated.

Then I noticed something unusal. They are now attached to my tuxedo urchin. They are now riding around the rock on the back of the urchin.

Should I be concerned? Will the urchin release them somehow? Can I remove them safely? I know that urchins collect stuff to make them blend in, but this something else.

I have two urchins and they are constantly picking up things. I'm not sure if they will intentionally release the stuff they pick up. I suspect they drop it because they rub up against something. You definitely have to attach frags securely because they seem to find them. I have had on one occasion an urchin find a "lost" frag for me. You also have to watch because sometimes they will pick up snails or hermit crabs.

You can remove stuff attached safely, just slowly pry them off the urchin. Just watch out, last week I accidentally bumped one of my urchins and later found a small piece of spine in my finger.