The Importance of Proper Fish Feeding

Fish Think Pink

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The Importance of Proper Fish Feeding​


This may seem like a rather simple topic, and I used to think it was as well, but over time I have come to realize that feeding the fish, keeping them healthy and not polluting the tank is actually a complex proposition.

As mentioned in the previous articles on quarantining and acclimating fish, there is an initial phase of feeding the fish that occurs right after they are acquired. During this phase, we throw all types of food in large quantities to try and get the new fish to eat. Then once they are eating and in the display tank, the goal is the keep them healthy and not pollute the tank. These phases have some things in common, but they are also quite different in their goals and their duration.

For the whole article, including how both of the general rules of feeding are both incorrect, please go to this thread: