The 70g is Complete!

:lol: 8) :shock: It still has alot of growing up to do before it's complete. All the corals are mostly on the sand because I didn't want them to get lighting shock/burn from going under 130w PC to 250w MH.

This tank has one canary blenny and 6 seahorses. I have plans for 2-4 more ponies, a mated pair of blue spotted jawfish and perhaps a mated pair of Helfrich's. It is also ready for alot more seagrasses. It sports a 6" DSB. Time for more frags!
Hahaha, yeah it's a mess right now :oops:. I just got tired of waiting.

The lighting is 250w MH 'borrowed' from the new 75g SPS/clams/lions tank. When it's done properly it will have 6 x 39w T-5s. The sump I pick up at Frag Swap and see if it fits. It's running on a Corallife Super Skimmer rated for 65g (needs to be upgraded though.) 20g temporary sump until I pick up the other one. Mag 7 return with a giant spraybar. I'm impressed that you can't see it I painted it black with a sharpie. :wink:

The ponies don't have any idea what to do in so much space. They love it. Suddenly my smaller colonies seem so tiny :roll:. I'm sure things will adjust to the new lighting and I'll start placing things somewhere other then on the sand. :roll: I'll post a few more photos when things open up tonight.