Thawing/Feeding Question


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When feeding cubed foods (like mysis or brine), I have been taking a little water from the tank, placing the cube and the water in a little dish and waiting a few minutes for it to thaw. Then I take a turkey baster, suck up the water and the shrimp and squirt it into my tank.

I was reading something on RC that indicated that I should be straining the shrimp/water mixture. Should I strain it? Will it cause excess algae if I squirt the water I've thawed in back into the tank?
If you can get a brine shrimp strainer, that will work great.

Frozen foods often have high levels of phosphates in them as a preservative. It is a good idea not to add that thawed water to your tank.

go ahead... :wink:

but beware, you got about a 3 week fuse. That is what i did, got lazy and now got some nice HA to deal with. :x