Tank Designed for Saltwater Filtration but want Freshwater


Premium Member
I am considering a DSA tank and stand combo that was built for a saltwater set up. It is a great deal however I am wanting to have a freshwater set up.

What do I need to know before purchasing this tank??

This is my first post to the forum!


Depends on the type of freshwater tank you want. One example, you wouldnt be able to have a planted freshwater tank with overflow and sump. Surface agitation releases the CO2 you are trying to keep inside for plants.

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I am to going to have a fluval canister filter. The LFS is going to use the drilled holes to manage the hoses and heater. They will modify the overflow cover? (not sure what that is called) the black part in the back to allow water to go through it so it has the same water level.

It all makes sense to me now that it was explained to me. Hope this is the way to go.. as I am getting excited about it all.
@roczero wrote:
Depends on the type of freshwater tank you want. One example said:
I'll write more when I get home, but freshwater planted with CO2 and a sump is fine. I've done it for years. For an even better example look at Tom Barr's tanks.