Tangs in a 40 gallon cube

I setup my tank about 2 months ago and have a 2 clowns with a cleaner crew. I’m wanting to get a tang but don’t know which one to get. I know my tank might be too small so I am just looking for options.

I have some green algae build up on my rocks so that’s why I want a tang.
I have a smaller bristletooth tang temporarily in a 60g cube. 24”x24”x24”. It feels cramped. I would caution against any kind of tang in a 40g cube unless it’s really little and you actively plan to upgrade to a much larger tank in the near future. I’m not the tang police, but when fish are cramped they look stressed. And I get stressed when my fish are stressed. Maybe just me.

Also, mine picks at algae all day, but it doesn’t seem to be making a dent at all. I’d look at possibly a few compatible blennies and copepods for the algae. Plus having a bunch of diverse fish that are proportional to the tank size makes it look more natural and alive anyway.