stocking a 25

Just wanted a few opinions on stocking my 25 gallon. It is drilled with a 15 gallon sump and refugium and I do water changes every 2 weeks with pretty good water parameters. Some softies and LPS. Right now I have:
2 false percs
1 6line wrasse
1 cleaner shrimp
10 astrea snails
10 blue legs, 1 scarlet hermit crab

I would like to add:
1 cherub angel
1 neon goby
1 royal gramma
1 purple firefish
1 cleaner shrimp
5 margarita snails
5 nassarius snails
3 scarlet hermits

Just wondered what some opinions are - haven't committed to this yet.
I have a skimmer too but I may leave out the firefish for now. Upgrading to a 75 in a couple months so maybe hold off until then. Thanks
I would think you would be ok in the beginning til the fish all get to full size. You will have a total water volume of 40 gallons. As long as you stay on top of weekly 10% water changes you will be fine as far as water quality goes. I have a 12 gal nanocube with two false percs, green bar goby, firefish, yellow watchman goby/pistol shrimp pair and a fire shrimp. All seems fine in my tank.
i have a 21 gallon tank with :

false perc
lawnmower bleny
royal grama
snails, hermits
peperment shrimp

they have been in there for 9 months and do fine.
i do have a cpr on the back though. i do water changes every month.
I would say 4 to 5 small fish at the most in a 25gal with strict 10% water changes every week with no exceptions. I have 2 purple firefish and 1 yellow clown goby in a 12gal and they are doing great, but the water changes every week are a must.
if you're dedicated enough to staying on top of the water quality it's definately possible. How long until you upgrade to the 75?
Probably about 3 months tops - the wrasse is fairly small and the neon goby and firefish are both a small size. I have a 15 gal QT tank that can be used for backup too in case the water quality starts to drop. The tank gets regualr weekly maintenance and water changes now so that will continue. Thanks for the input.
I have 4 fish : a dwarf angel, true perc, blue/green chromis, and a clown goby all in a 20 gal with no problems at all with water quality. I do a 25% water change once a month and everything is great. Fish are healthy, corals are looking good and spreading like crazy. Just make sure you stay on top of things and know what you are doing and you will be good.