Sick Naso from Red Planaria

Blue Water

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I did a Flatworm exit treatment two days ago and my Naso looks like he's dying.

His eyes are glazed over and skin does not look good. He is staying in the same spot most of the time and not eating. He has turned a very dark black vs. his normal grey.
I did a series of Flatworm exit treatments last spring and thought they were gone but came back. I did same dose and same fish back then with no problems. So I've been waiting on a good time to do more treatments and they build up more than I thought. I tried siphoning out as many as I could , had my water change and dual canisters of rox carbon ready but there were just a lot more worms this time. Also there could have simply been more toxins already built up from them and this put things over the edge.

Trying to make water as fast as I can. I've done two water changes so far and plan another 30%er today.
I may have lost a couple of the very tiny frags but looks like everything else will pull through. Although they look really bad. Lost color within a couple of hours for most.
All other fish look normal. Even sensitive fish like mandarin.
Anyone every have a similar experience where the fish pulled through? I'm hoping the toxins run through his system but he's not looking good so kinda worried. He's my buddy and has personality.
Do a big water change and change carbon daily, run carbon at a larger than normal amount too. Try and get a wrasse to eat the flat worms, from my understanding they can build a tolerance to flat worm exit