Setting up a quarantine tank

@bluelt1ss wrote:
[thats really nice of you. except i have no clue where keller is? how far from mesquite is it?] said:
[Keller is just barely north-north/east of Ft Worth. You're looking at a 45 to 60 minute drive, depending on traffic.]
[well there seems to be no spots on any fish. i ended up moving the regal and yellow tang into the 10g aquarium. they all look good and clean except for the sore spot in front of the regals eye - he kept scratching it against a rock unfortanetly. so i am going to keep the both of them in there for a while so he can clear up and b/c they seem to be the only fish that will station themselves at night.

isnt 45-60 minutes too long for a fish to be bagged up? although i guess shippers do it, but im not sure if i should since hes already not in great shape.]
[Hey Amanda cant you treat the eye problem w/ Epsom Salt? I see that in a lot of forums that Steve Pro always says epsom salt for pop-eye, hazy eye etc. 1 tablespoon per 5 gals isnt it? "Epsom salt does not treat the infection, only the relieves some of the symptoms, but it does help to allow the fish's own immune system to better deal with and fight off the infection it may have."

[Yep Andy, that is what they say. I believe that is the recommended dosage according to Steven as well. I havent had a chance to chat with him about this yet and I know he recommends it often. I dont think there has been any testing done to prove this though. However we all know that epsom relieves swelling, thats why people will soak in it :)
The biggest problem I see with this is - adding it to a reef tank would skyrocket the magnesium and I have no idea what effect that may have. In a Qtank it probably isnt a problem. Epsom salts is simply magnesium sulfate and for the most part we should have adequate amounts in our tanks already. I have never had a problem clearing up popeye with extremely clean and healthy water, so I have never personally found it necessary to try the salts.

Popeye itself is a symptom not a cause, and rarely becomes an infection IME. In this case the fish is irritated and scratching and may have bumped the eye into the rock or it could be irritated because of the ich itself. Im not worried about the popeye because it will usually clear up on its own. The sore does concern me a bit so if it gets worse or changes in any way let us know Mark.]
[Lost a Scopas about a month ago to a fungal disease. Had white, cottony looking stuff around eyes and lips and below dorsal. Might want to describe the sore(s) in front of eyes to us to help us check this out - cure would have been nitrofurazone (sp?) nitrofuradantoin? Sumthin like that...

Another option is to bag it and take to LFS for their input...]
[well im sure its not popeye. it is a sore though in front of his eye that he has rubbed on the rock i guess because of irratation. besides that spot, he looks really good today. really bright colored and no visible ich. i will keep you guys updated and ask any more questions i have. you guys are great. :wwww:]