DATE: October 8-9, 2022
VENUE:Embassy Suites by Hilton Dallas-Frisco Hotel & Convention Center
7600 John Q Hammons Drive, Frisco, TX 75034
Reefapalooza Texas | America's Largest Saltwater Aquarium Show
Reefapalooza Texas is the saltwater aquarium trade show to find beautiful coral, the biggest industry retailers, saltwater fish, hobby influencers, and MORE!

We are seeking volunteers to help Reef A Palooza (RAP) event Friday, Saturday and Sunday as well as club table Saturday and Sunday! RAP organization is different than Aquashella, so even if you have volunteered before, PLEASE read below.
Table volunteers are separate from Event volunteers. To receive hobby club table in lobby, our hobby club must provide volunteers. We are asking for volunteer alternate in case of no show, but if five people show up Saturday morning, they can only accept four people on list for that time spot. If this happens, then Lisa will have wristband for the fifth person who will not get volunteer t-shirt but can go inside.
Volunteers will need to bring their own lunch and drinks. (Club will offer volunteers snacks and drinks at club table in lobby). RAP recommends eating before or after you begin your shift. They can store lunches, but no fridge. Club members who volunteer:
- need to provide name and phone numbers in advance to @Fish Think Pink (Lisa) who must give to RAP/Kristine
- you may start private conversation (chat) thru website to Secretary Lisa aka @Fish Think Pink so your cell stays private
- may attend the show 1 time, either Saturday or Sunday, outside their volunteer time; check in with RAP/Kristine for wristband
Event Help - Friday - October 7th - RAP STARTS SATURDAY:
4 volunteers noon to 6pm : Duty = packing welcome bags (likely will finish before 6pm)
- @Fish Think Pink - Lisa
- @hnurge - Cheryl (carpool with Lisa) - have last name and phone number already
- @Cedar Hill - Sonya
- @Luizw13 - Luiz
Event Help - Saturday - October 8th - Morning During Show:
4 volunteers for 9:30am - 1:30pm : Duties may include wristbands, monitoring doors, scanning tickets, watching for vendors/attendees without wristbands
- @Fish Think Pink (Lisa - willing to swap spot and help table)
- @Cedar Hill - Sonya
- @Luizw13 - Luiz
- @Luizw13 - Heidi
Event Help - Saturday - October 8th - Afternoon During Show:
4 volunteers for 1:30pm - 5:30pm : Duties may include wristbands, monitoring doors, scanning tickets, watching for vendors/attendees without wristbands
- @Fish Think Pink (Lisa - willing to swap spot and help table)
- @Cedar Hill - Sonya
- @Luizw13 - Luiz
- @arishali - Arish
Club Table Help - Saturday - October 8th - Morning During Show:
Club Table Help - Saturday - October 8th - Afternoon During Show:
Event Help - Sunday - October 9th - Morning During Show:
4 volunteers for 9:30am - 1:30pm : Duties may include wristbands, monitoring doors, scanning tickets, watching for vendors/attendees without wristbands
- @Fish Think Pink (Lisa - willing to swap spot and help table)
- @Cedar Hill - Sonya
- @Luizw13 - Luiz
- @arishali - Arish
Event Help - Sunday - October 9th - Afternoon During Show:
4 volunteers for 1:30pm - 5:30pm : Duties may include wristbands, monitoring doors, scanning tickets, watching for vendors/attendees without wristbands
- @Fish Think Pink (Lisa - willing to swap spot and help table)
- @Cedar Hill - Sonya
- @Luizw13 - Luiz
- @winky8888 - Ron
Club Table Help - Sunday - October 9th - Morning During Show:
- @Drex Drex
- @winky8888 Ron
Club Table Help - Sunday - October 9th - Afternoon During Show:
- @Drex Drex
- Carlos
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