scopas tang

are these generally more aggressive?? i just bought one from lfs. as soon as i got him in he began chasing my yellow tang around and being all territorial. is this normal?? ive never had two tangs before. will this calm down or should i take him back to the store?? i should mention that i also have a damsel and bicolor blenny that the scopas doesnt bother.
what size tank are they in? generally you should not mix tangs of the same genus. The yellow tang and scopas tang are both Zebrasoma.

Even mixing tangs of a different genus can have risks.
i didnt realize. they are in a 130. i wasnt going to get any more. and they are behaving today. its like a totally different fish. maybe he needed time to acclimate.
sometimes it will work out. Whatever tang was there first will usually beat up the new guy to show him who is boss.

If I were you I would keep a close eye on them... especially during feeding time.