Rtba is definately healthy & happy! - Before & after pics

[Well back in February I purchased one of the many RTBA that were sold here on the board. It looked like this:


Apparently in my research I was told that my RTBA was bleached and unhealthy. With that info I did all I could to make sure it had the best chance for survival. I fed it everyday. I made sure where it ended up was in good light and flow. The rest I left to the RTBA.

Well now we are in May and I am amazed of just how much it has changed since when I got. It has at least doubled its open size and its tentacles are longer and thinner than ever!:

that is it. I just wanted to share a success story since all we usually hear about are [/img]my nem is dying what do I do!?'

[Keep up the good work. Aim to keep it happy for 24 months or more, as that is considered relatively rare in this hobby. Many anemones die, and according to one small poll by Joyce Wilkerson, only 5% live 2 years or more.]
@silicon_dt wrote:
[So a sign of a healthy anemone is it having skinny long tenticals instead of bulbs?] said:
[I do not claim to be an expert (nor do I play one on TV) but everything I have heard and seen about a healthy RTBA is that is seldoms bubbles up. In the morning when it is waking up we might see a few of the fatter tentacles bubble slightly, but never as before when we first got it.

Maybe a real expert can pipe up and chime in?]
[I wouldn't call myself an expert but I have read a lot about BTAs. There seems to be no link between bubbles and health whatsoever. In other words bubbles (or conversly no bubbles) are neither good nor bad or a sign of health in any way.

For some reason BTAs tend to loose their bubbles in captivity and in fact I have never seen one keep them in the long term in captivity. As stated every so often you might see some but nothing like in the ocean. No one has figured out why yet!

Signs of health include expansion, growth, stickiness, etc.]
[I have a BTA that has never had the "blown up" bubble tips that i have ever noticed and I think he is very happy. He does not move a lot over large distances, although he likes to move around in a very small area he has picked out. Sort of in a cricle.

I think it might be that he likes to move in and out of the flow depending on his mood.]
[This is purely opinion on my part, but I've seen this happen in the past in my tanks. When a BTA is in a darker tank, it will start to generate bubbles at the tips again. My guess is that it is increasing surface area on the tentacles to absorb more lighting, but as it gets what it needs it goes back to straighter tentacles.

For the most part, bubbles seem to appear mainly on new BTAs versus older ones. And perhaps they bubble so beautifully at first is because they were captured, bagged and transported in the dark and thus need to recharge while awaiting the next buyer.

Again, merely a WAG on my part.

Here is an excellent article that I always refer people to: