RO units

What is the best RO unit for the money? Where is the best place to get one? I have been useing my well water for about two years now, I think I have got some copper in my tank from the pipes in my house. I have tested everything else that is the only thing it can be. I am going to the NSLPS this weekend the get a copper test. I think it is about time to ge a ro unit. My GBTA is not looking so good, My cleaner shrimp has died, but everything else looks good.
Well, I took my water sample to the NSLFS and the salt was too low. It was reading 1.016. So today I will burn my Instant Ocean hydrometer, lol I got a Deep SIx brand this time the man at the store said it was the best they have. Well, I hope my GBTA does not die.
*nod* *nod* *nod* *nod*

And even though your salinity is low, I would raise it back up to normal levels (1.024-1.026) _slowly_. Especially with an anemone.

Don't add salt directly to the tank- rather, I'd mix up some new water that's a bit hyper-saline (1.028-1.029) and swap out small amounts. Depending on tank size, take out X gallons of water and replace with X gallons of hyper-saline. No more than 2 points per day.
I raised it to 1.018 last night, this morning I have it up to 1.019. I guess I will raise it another point tommorow. I have a 90 gallon tank w/ 40 gallon ref.