regal tang

First off if they are eating other things there is little reason to do it. (Nori and other seaweeds work at least as well) Some have had good luck getting them to eat by using the brocolli flourette.. Just blanch them first.
@ammie1018 wrote:
I read that regal tangs like broccoli and peas. What do you need to do to give it to them. TIA said:
I wouldn't say they like it, but they eat it. They prefer seaweed as it is their natural diet. Don't feed the exclusively on Nori however, there is nothing wrong with it being their primary food, but you want to mix it up a bit with other types of greens. If you can find it locally, try mixing it up with Julian Sprungs Sea Veggies. If you want something they will literally flip for, Indo Pacific Sea Farms sells Tang Heaven and other sea veggies. All of my tangs have loved it and you can grow it in your tanks if you get enough to start with and have plenty of light.