[I watched a really neat thing about this on discovery's "secreats of the deep". It was all about the crabs of the reef.
Acro crabs have a symbiotic relationship with the acro. The crab pick at the acro and the acro slimes up, then the crab eats the slime or any other type of food that may become stuck in branches. So you ask what does the crab do for the acro? Well, there are certain starfish that fest on acros. The acro has no defense against the starfish, so whenever attacked the crabs come running out to protect their homes(acro). The bottom of the star fish is super sensitive. A few snips from the crabs and the starfish moves on.
There was a study done that show acros grow faster in the wild if they contain crabs, why? That I can't answer. Maybe it is the protection from the starfish or the crab constantly picking on the acro. In captivity I think they just look cool!
BTW I reccomend everyone watch that episode if not the entire series. There is tons of info and eye candy