quick study of direct and shaded light on coral


Premium Member
here is an interesting and direct correlation of light on two different SPS colonies

first an overview of the study area; the large staghorn is shading two SPS below; a birdsnest and an Acropora sp. ( I call the blob). Both corals were positioned under the staghorn about 4 months ago and had fairly even growth patterns, colors, PE etc.

close up of the birdsnest
- the shaded area has more growth, more PE and more depth of color
- the direct light area; less growth, less PE, and appears more blanched

the Acropora
- direct light area has an abundance of new growth and bright polyps. color appears lighter
- shaded area, less growth in terms of branches per sq inch but branches appear thicker, color appears richer
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing this with us. I think a lot of times we stick a bunch of corals in our tanks and don't give much thought as to what depths they are found at on the reef.