Pre-Arrange Trades/Swaps/Sales for Sat Feb 18th Hobbyist Hangout at Rift 2 Reef

Fish Think Pink

Club Secretary
Staff member
Board of Directors
2023-02 Sat Gathering Rift2Reef 1080w by 803h.jpg

Let's use this post to coordinate in-person Frag Swaps at our upcoming Gathering Hour on Saturday Feb 18th!

Do you glue animals to rocks? Or want to learn? You are in the right place!

Our club is holding Hobbyist Hangouts, Gathering Hours, and Frag Swaps (mini & regular). At all of these events you have opportunities to learn tips and share animals. At our last Gathering Hour, someone shared how they are just throwing those coral trimmings away. They are animals - let's make sure they all have a home!

If you have some things you would like to trade, swap and/or sell at the Feb 18th event, then please list your item(s) in below thread.

If you see something listed you are interested in, then please reach out to that person and make arrangements for Feb 18th.

It might take us a while to get back in the swap groove, but this is our hobby club's 30th anniversary. Long time hobbyists may remember and share about original hobbyist 'Frag Swap' roots! Whenever people got together, trades were happening. This post intent is to help make those trades happen more frequently again.