That is a Aquatic Fundamentals 20/29/37 Gallon Aquarium Stand from Petco. Its bad B A D. No one should ever buy this thing. The stand came with no installation instructions and has two pre drilled slots on every board that have burned the black finish off and look horrible. The drilled holes serve no purpose. I assume that maybe they are there for a version that has doors which this model does not. Only one board has counter sunk screws so it won't lay completely flat on the ground. Terrible quality.
I spend somewhere between 1.5 to 4 hours a day on my fish stuff, depending. Easy days are just feeding and water top off, maybe a bit of cleaning and skimmer dumps. Long days are water changes, chem tests, fragging, etc.
I'm just now testing the outdoor setup. If things go well, I expect to spend the money on some extra pumps and outdoor rated switches. The idea being that I can simply hit a button, and perform the 25 - 30% water change for the rotifers each night. Excess will simply go to the pod tank or be flushed.
McReefer, you will have to explain that Beta Pod thingy from Walmart when I see ya. Not sure I follow along with what you are doing. [smilie=crying.gif]