Our little h. Reidi Identified

This is one of my little SHs that the LFS supplier regarded as "Tank raised Seahorses" Nothing else.

I've already shown them to another forum.
They are so small that I have been looking at dwarf pics for two days.

Then it was mentioned that they are probably just juvies.
Carolyn and Nicki Thank you for the input. It would be great if they are Reidi. I wouldn't need to keep the new set up. Anyone know how long it might take them to grow another couple of inches? I don't want to put them in my main SH tank this small.
I can officially say that as of this morning, adopted one week ago, I have them eating frozen Hakiri mysis shrimp/enhanced with OR's vibrance. They are doing great. I wonder when they will show their sex? Is it at four months old? Of course I may have two females :shock: We'll see. Not many grandbabies at this rate!
Today we are having a celebration of life. It has been two weeks and two days since we brought the ponies home. They are doing great. I still have the filter's intake tube 'roped off'. Still eating very well. Haven't shown a change in the sex yet. We may just have two females, which is alright with me. I just want them to be happy. I have them in the lower two story tank rack and it is really hard to get pics.

Just wanted to give an update. The LFS recvd some more, so we may be adopting 2 more pair or 4 total.