
What's your lid setup? It looks like he can just climb out, but it also looked like you had it open on purpose...
I put a velcro strip down across the top-front of the tank. I don't think she likes that much. :D

That's the first time I've seen her try to do it upside down.

Earlier when I had been messing around in the tank, I was cleaning off the pump for the skimmer. Now the top is sealed tight in the back and it's a pain in the butt to take entire pieces of equipment off so instead I reached in and back, at an angle I just can't see into the tank well.
So I'm unscrewing the intake off of the pump, slowly so as to not cause a disturbance in the tank. I'm thinking/hoping she's dormant/asleep because I don't want to be attacked by her. The sticky sensation and her impressive strength really freak me out, but to not be able to see it coming is something else!

WHAM! She glues herself to the back of my hand. She wrapped around my entire hand and started squeezing but didn't bite. I shook my hand and she was off.
@Darby wrote:
What's your lid setup? It looks like he can just climb out said:
I've been meaning to get some pictures of that. It's nothing fancy. Just mesh window screen and lots of duct tape. I crammed styrofoam into any large gaps between the lid and the tank and cut it to fit and taped down. I had been messing around in the tank so it wasn't secured. She usually becomes more photogenic when my hands are wet. :lol:

I recently lined the top of the tank with velcro. I'm considering having the screen sown to the other side of the velcro and make a peel off lid. The texture of the velcro seems to repel them well so I don't think one would work on the seal for long before deciding it was just too harsh.