New - Need some live rocks and sand


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Hi All,
I'm new to saltwater. I inherited a bare nano cube 24g with LED and filter, and some dry rock. I'm trying to get the tank up and running.

I need some live rocks and sand. I wonder if anyone is willing to sell some amount of rocks/sand. I have question about the sand. Do I need some fancy sea sand or buy some from home depot?

where are you located? We just redid our tank and i think i still have some live rock we didn't use i would be willing to give you couple of pieces for your nano. DONT use home depot sand! for a nano you should be able to get enough from petco or petsmart. depending on where you are located you should have a good saltwater store near you. I'm in garland off of 190 and Brand rd. Let me know how i can help

I'm in Carrollton, near North Dallas Aquarium @ Trinity Mills. I guess I'll go to NDA tomorrow to get sand and salt water.

I'll in Garland area (190 & Garland Ave.) tomorrow. I can stop by or meet somewhere nearby. Thanks.