P peterlin Sep 21, 2003 #1 [I got this nice blue sps from Cody. It's a cool color, not as blue when under my 10K bulb. But it is very blue under the new 20K bulb. 2nd picture show how blue its color compared to my green slim sps. alt=""> alt="">]
[I got this nice blue sps from Cody. It's a cool color, not as blue when under my 10K bulb. But it is very blue under the new 20K bulb. 2nd picture show how blue its color compared to my green slim sps. alt=""> alt="">]
R Rick Sep 22, 2003 #2 [Peter, Nice looking coral. What color are the polyps?? How much does he charge for a coral like that??]
[Peter, Nice looking coral. What color are the polyps?? How much does he charge for a coral like that??]