New Acquisitions

Well had some extra money, could either get some new corals, (it has been awhile), or put it into the kids' college fund. I guess they can go to a state school :wink:

These are from Saltwater Paradise's sale this past weeked. The cluster will hopefully color up to a blue, but I thought the shape was cool. Suprised no one else picked it up on Saturday. Found an acro crab in the other. Hoping it will color up too.
Got these from Atlantis Arrived Wed.

Had some tips break off of the stag during shipment so now I have five frags :lol:
Gorgeous stuff Phillip! I especially like the 2nd one. Put me on your list down the road for trades.
How was the service and etc from Atlantis Aquarium? They have some really nice stuff, just not as cheap like other places though.

Yep, that one is becoming a favorite of mine. Like I said. I am really surprised someone else did not pick it up during the sale. Not sure how I would frag this one. Would hate to cut off one of the nubs. Wonder if it is possible to grow frags from the encrusting part?


They are expensive but the service was pretty good. I also got some of their "rare" frags. First time to order from them. I used them because they took PayPal. :roll:
Hey Matt,

Actually I think it had probably already RTNd before the LFS. The price was right. But like you said it has good polyp extenstion so hopefully it will continue to do well.

I had heard that as a rule of thumb the thicker the branch the more flow required. So I am trying to make sure it has enough. Thinking about adding a Tunze stream to the tank. It would have been cheaper if I had stuck with softies :shock:

Shipping wasn't too bad, but I did order five items. :oops:
That Humulis is kewl!!!! It will grow really slow, but it is a really nice coral. Did the first coral make it? I was over another members house yesterday and he bought a few of Scotts time bombs. Both of the corals that were RTN at the base died. IMHO, I think that we should only be buying aquacultured and propagated coral. You may pay more, but the animals are soooo much more healthy.
Everything has made it so far. The first one has really lightened up. I think I put it too high too soon. Hopefully it is not bleached. I have moved it down a bit.

The Humulis is still looking good and the tips are showing a little blue. I really hope this one does well.

The other too have held their color so far, (knocks on the wood stand).