Need to relocate torch coral

I have a torch coral that was purchased on an aqua-cultured rock piece with some zoanthids. Over the past two weeks - it has decided to start growing. Although I'm glad for the sudden growth, I dont want it to kill the zoanthids or the encrusting cap below it.

My problem is moving it without splitting the rock it's attached to.

It appears to be attached to the roc, much like an anemone. Should I try to pry it's "foot" off or should I take a chisel or something flat and just break that piece of rock.

My Tourch has a stony coral bottom or host. I didn't know until I saw your post that they didnt come that way. I am now wondering if they form the stony coral or did mine just happen to come that way. A question I will have to ask Tony at Aquadic Trading today...


I asked a similar question about trying to get Nems to move and someone told me to put them in a high flow area to annoy them and maybe they will move. If you try to get under its footing that may work but I was told that is a very delicate operation.

Good Luck,
Ya that torch will need plenty of room around it or it will sting and eventually kill neighboring corals. I'd do what Matt suggested.
The zoos cover both rocks around the torch so, it'd a a very difficult surgery and I dont know about anyone else here - i'm no surgion... More of a bull in a china closet. ;)

The zoos in the bottom left of the picture are really clustered together on a mat so, they'd be almost impossible to move...
Why not frag some of the zoas and move them aside... And leave the rest for nature to take care of. A lot less work and you still have zoas. :wink:
I went ahead and broke the rock into three parts.
1 zoo rock, 1 rock with the torch and another rock with zoos and encrusting cap.

The rock has a LOT more sponge in it than originally thought. I hate that I'll loose it.. Oh well. There are always casualties in a war :lol:

I'll post pics when everything opens back up
@Capthlp wrote:
My Tourch has a stony coral bottom or host. I didn't know until I saw your post that they didnt come that way. I am now wondering if they form the stony coral or did mine just happen to come that way. said:
I checked before breaking up the rock mine is attached to. It does have a hard stony base however, there is also flesh growing over it giving it the appearance of a 'foot'