Need help identifying anemone. Good or bad?

Need help figuring out what this anemone is. It is dark brown in color and has bubble tips at the ends. It has grown from 1 to 4 in a few months. It will open and close just like an anemone. Is this bad? Attached pictures.

You can find it at most of the LFS, but you might have to pay a little extra. Depending on how many of them you have you can treat rock in the water. Just treat 5 or 6 at a time would probably be a safe bet. :eek:
Like everyone else has said they are BAD.
I would just use Joe's juice on them in the tank. I don't see other corals around that rock from the photo, so I'd just leave the rock where it's at. You may have to squirt them again in a few days, but they will be gone with the JJ. I had the green ones in my tank. They have all died off. Too bad they are a pest anemone, because mine were nice looking. Here's a to my thread.
I appreciate everyone's help. Don't know what I would do without the help of this board. I would probably raise a tank full of sea "weeds" and have many dead fish. he he
If they are only on that portion of the rock I would remove the rock and break off that portion with a chisel and hammer. I did this when I had some aptasia starting to grow. This was before Joe's Juice was available and I tried some of the other techiniques. The aptasia were confined to a 2" x 3" area so I just removed the rock and cut that section of the rock out with a coping saw.