Mysis shrimp size?


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I purchased some frozen myst shrimp at the frag swap. I'm planning on trying my hand at seahorses (captive bread/raised) and was going to use this as a staple food source for them. The tanks cycled and ready to go. I've feed some of the myst to my reef tank and noticed the size of them seems rather large. This concerns me, if my Tang seems to have trouble choking them down how much more trouble would seahorses have? Although I've been reef keeping for some time I've never feed myst shrimp. Could somone who raises seahorses chim in? Do you feed a kind of juvinal myst or am I just being paranoid?
I just want to be ready BEFORE I get them.
im assuming you bought that mysis from me....

My fish love this brand of mysis, but it was just to big for my ponies so I had to get rid of the bulk of it.

I originally purchased it in a bulk package to get the cost down for my seahorses. They only problem was my seahorses would not touch it. So I sold most of it at the swap. The better brands of mysis for seahorses are hariki(sp)( at pets mart its the bio brand) or pe which I have not been able to find locally.

I feed my 4 month old babies and adults PE mysis. Even my smallest baby can eat it. PE is the best thing to feed adults. It is quite a bit larger then Hikari. I buy it at Dallas North Aquarium or Aquatic Design.
I feed my Erectus seahorse juvis Hikari and have also fed PE. PE is supposed to be way more nutritious but it is a lot bigger and also more oily so spoiling the water is a little more of a concern when feeding it.

I ordered my Hikari online from Dr's Foster and Smith and it was shipped well and arrived still frozen. I couldn't believe how much I got for the money.
