My True Percs and B-Fly


Premium Member
i couldnt get a clean good shot of my percs and butterfly with the camera i have, so i just made a video. the quality still isnt that great, but maybe you can tell me what you think.

i purchased the percs thinking they were true, but the female sure has turned black. what's up with that? she sure is pretty!
i wish i had a better camera. the video just doesnt do her beauty justice. the male is starting to get more black. im thinking they are onyx percs.
i think he just really likes the attention. there is a pretty big gap in the sand between the xenia and where the butterfly just cant tell. he's so interested in what i was doing, he wanted the spotlight for himself :)

the 3 of them are the only thing in my display at the moment. they sure enjoy each other! the QT tank is cycled and ready for my next round of fish, so hopefully that will happen by this weekend.

anybody have any thoughts on the percs? they were true percs at the store i bought them at. can true percs get that black?

thanks for the replies :)