MP10ES Sound


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Hey guys,

My MP10 is producing a high pitched sound occasionally. I'm thinking it's the wet side acting up, maybe a bearing going bad? Is there anyone who has any experience repairing wet sides of Vortechs? Is there anything else that could be the culprit?

Thanks in advance!
I believe you mean Dry side that has bearing issues.... How old is it?
It's about 2 years old. I'm figuring it's got something to do with the wet side as I changed the wet sides from both MP10's, and the bad wet side still makes noise on the other dry side. I guess no bearings in the wet side, is there something else it could be?
Pull the wet side apart and see if the ceramic plate in the bottom is broken. If it is either super glue the parts that are out of place back in really carefully or just replace the part.
You should be regularly maintaining your wetside. I would do a 1:10 Vinegar water mix Take apart the Wetside and let it soak in the mixture and do a thorough cleaning of all the parts while inspecting them for any damage. If anything looks bad, replace it.. There are maintenance kits available for pretty cheap. There are no bearings on your wetside. There's a shaft, the impeller is on the shaft, held down by a nut. between the impeller is a plastic washer and a ceramic insert. Sand or any other debris can wear these parts down if not properly maintained. it doesn't take long to do. maybe 2-3 minutes, less if you've done it before regularly.
Thanks guys, I do frequently clean the wetside, so must be a bit of sand or the ceramic stuff in there causing the problem. Will take apart and let you know : )

Thanks for the replies!
Ok, so here's what happened. There is a little white square that the bottom of the wet side magnet rests on. This white square has disappeared, hence excessive rubbing and the weird sound. Does anyone know where I can find a replacement? Maybe someone can tell me what the piece is called?
That was the ceramic plate I was referring to. If you plan on keeping it a long time I'd get two as they seem to be chipped or cracked on pretty much every MP10 I've seen that's more than 2 or so years old.
I allways keep a spare wet side, I just swap it in and then clean the other and work around, I have 3 mp10's. I also put a dab of 100% silicone grease on pad and shaft.

BTW just got the new quiet drive mp10 , it really is quiet, the new controller is driving it with the same power but must have changed the freq or such as it's no more noise. Very pleased. Plan to upgrade my other 2 when the upgrades are in stock.
I only wished they kept the led's blue, the white is pretty bright and if you can see yours at night as in a bed room it might be too bright. I do like the black case.
If the Insulated bearing is worn out or damaged, it can cause the pump to produce unusual noises. You can inspect the wet side for any signs of wear or excessive friction, which could indicate that the bearing needs replacing. Sometimes, debris or buildup in the wet side assembly can cause noise. If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned it, try disassembling and cleaning the wet side with a vinegar solution (be sure to rinse thoroughly afterward). This quality bearings can help eliminate any issues caused by gunk or salt buildup.
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