Marc! Hows the CBB doing!?

Just wondering what you are doing to feed and take care of this species.

I know they're supposedly a difficult fish to manage but they sure are tempting!
I believe unfortunatly Marc's died in qt.

They are absolutely difficult but not impossible.

This is the second one I have kept successfully for long periods of time (This one for about 10 months so far)

The biggest trick is to get them eating. Refuse to buy them from the store if you don't see them eating frozen! I highly recommend qt'ing them to get them eating good and they are fairly suseptable to Ich so be aware you may need to hypo ( i did with both mine).

If they go on a hunger strike when you get them home (as they often will) try opening a live freshwater mussle from the store and dropping that in. that has worked for many people. Once you get them on that cut up some mussle and get him eating it in the water column. Once that happens mix in some PE mysis and then totally to PE mysis, then start mixing in some others. I would recommend you put them very early in your stocking order as they are quite tame and can be somewhat skiddish at first. Hope that helps
Gosh I'm sorry to hear about Marc's CBB. I'm crossing my fingers for mine...I've had her just over 5 weeks now. I feed it a mix of everything

Likes are: Spirulina Brineshrimp, Bloodworms, small amount of Krill
Dislike: Spits out mysis, plankton
Loves: Feather dusters, watch them disappear off the rocks...
I moved it to the Propagation zone of my sump where it had more room and corals to cruise over, but it was dead by morning.

I think the next one will be acclimated directly to my reef. I feel like I'm just buying all the bad ones so that y'all can purchase the healthy ones. :roll:
Sorry to hear that Marc. I was hoping for a good report with details.
Keller POR has one now. If it's eating when I get back from vacation I may be tempted if it's not gone yet.
I am a little late posting to this thread, but the word on the street is that if you can find Australian CBB they fair much better in captivity than others.

The problem is, they aren't that plentiful in our market.
Copper Band Butterfly. Folks like them because they're very pretty and fairly reef safe (unless you happen to be a feather duster), and they sometimes will eat aiptasia.
ooooh, i want one of these guys so bad, i tried twice with no luck so figured i would wait till i had a bigger tank up...have you tried again marc?
I tried my luck with one this past week. i purchased it and it was a nice larger specimine with great color and was eating frozen (i asked them to dump some in the tank) and when i got it home i aclimated it and it was even picking off some dusters but when i woke up...dead

I called the LFS and they told me to bring a water sample and the fish in and if it checked out they would refund (store credit) the purchase price...took it back and the guy said "This is the second one that has come back with perfect water that has died".....guess it is the luck of the draw.
You know, I got mine from MS71171 from this forum. He had QT'd it and I believe used copper to treat him.

I traded a coral for the fish and all I can say is MS71171 did a great job with QT.

Maybe he will give us some advice bc he had another CBB that he kept.

Thank you MS71171 !
