lighting options

i have a 28 gallon bowfront tank i am setting up for seahorses. i need a 24" light. my question is: should i use a 65w compact flourescent with a lunar light or a 44w t5 ho set up? Which one produces more heat? What do you suggest, i dont want too much heat to raise the temperature too much. Your advise is greatly appreciated.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe t5 lights run at the same or maybe slightly cooler temps than compact fluorescents.

T5's would probably be the better option if you're looking to keep corals and reef with your seahorses, and there are several spectrums of the bulb to choose from if you want your tank to be more blue in color than yellow.
you best have a chiller no matter what lights you run..Seahorses are happier in 72-76 degree water. What any light and the ambient temp of you home, those temps would be hard to keep.