Lawnmower eaten?


Premium Member
[I picked up a lawnmower blenny two days ago from DNA. When i put it in the tank after acclimation it went under the rock where my star fish stays. I haven't seen the blenny since. Do star fish eat blenny's??? That was an expensive meal if they do! :very angry:]
[wait a few days. Mine hid for a while when i first got him too. he might come out. Unless he died first, I highly doubt he was eaten by anything in your tank.]
[I put one in two days ago and just now found it. They blend vary well. Maybe someone on the board knows what DNA feeds their fish if you try feeding the same food you maybe sucessfull in getting him to coming out.]
[PM "mikeyg". He works there... Can probably give you an idea on what they feed and when.

I picked up a royal gramma from them a little over a week ago and he's doing great. Took him a few days to regularly come out of the rock, but now I see him all the time.]

Edited By JumboAg99 on 1104282280
[haha, i found him. he was definitely hiding but now he comes out every few minutes to munch on my hair algae.]