Latest on my octopus

Kind of a "peek-a-boo" shot

I'm probably gonna get an ear full for this!!! but...... A few years ago i purchased a blue ring and had a really hard time keeping him from trying to escape!!! I only put up with this for about a week to keep the animal from shock then i donated him to a friend. I tried every thing from suran wrap to really snug plex, but all he did all day was try to get out. good thing he never did :shock:
@malofish wrote:
As long as they're contained they really aren't a threat. They aren't overly aggressive. But yeah, if you can't keep an eye on them then you might as well have a cobra in your house.

I'm going to have to redo my top very soon. Kalypso is getting very strong and still growing and she's been feeling around the top a lot. I don't think duct tape is going to hold the top down when she's full grown.
how big of a tank do you need?

I got a 29 BIO that I work by daily ... is that to samll?

Would be cool to get one and put him in there...
Would be easy to keep an eye on him and the lid is easy to clamp down.. lol
50 gallons or larger is the typical suggestion for most mid-sized commonly sold octopus species. Really a 29's only big enough for a dwarf and they aren't anything like the larger mid-sized species. Very secretive and strictly nocturnal. consistently sells O. filosus and they stay relatively small. That's about the only octopus I would suggest for that size of tank. They are very fun, day active octos. I don't know of any other online stores that consistently sell them.

Kalypso could top out with a 4 foot armspan and a mantle the size of a fat baked potato when she's grown so you can understand why you wouldn't put an O. briareus in a 29.
I had a softy 42 gal hex with a ton of live rock. The blue ring was about the size of a half dollar. The thing I miss the most and make me wanna try another one is that when i would display my red guitar he new that people were coming over and would "clean house" and stack rocks around his hole and start pulsing his rings. :roll: can you post a few pics of your tank and how you keep your buddy from escaping :D
what is the life span of your species?? I think mine only lived about three months. A friend in san antonio claimed to have kept his for about eleven months. I think he got his about the size of a dime though???
Around a year is as much as anyone should expect but sometimes they live as long as 2 years. The key to keeping them long term is buying them when they're tiny. Unfortunately collectors don't discriminate and older ones are easier to capture. Talking with the supplier prior to ordering is the best way to find a young one.
Thanks for the info. I guess if iever find a blue ring about the size of a dime or so i might give keeping one another shot. I'm about to set up a 29 with the ambitions of getting a super small blue ring. If i'm not mistaken this sp. only gets about the size of a tennis ball spread out?? I just really hate the idea of him living only about a year or so :sad: research and availability search will start today..... after a nap! Have any helpfull web pages that i can do research??
I have to tell you that if you do keep one again, please make absolutely sure that your tank is 100% safe and escape proof. I mean Alcatraz. It would also be wise to make a sign you can tape on the side or top of the tank that details the effects of the toxin so that if you do get bit someone knows what to do to get you proper help IMMEDIATELY. If you have any family or friends over often, make sure the tank is in a secure area of the house where children cannot access the tank. It would be wise to rig a locking latch on the lid just to protect any curious visitors or family.

My main concern with keeping one myself, would be that the octopus would find a weakness in the sealed top, escape, and my dogs would eat it. I wouldn't worry about being bit myself because I just wouldn't have my hands in the tank. You never know though. One careless moment could result in a really terrible death. is the best place.
I think I might have to get with meleve to try and figure out a way to keep him in. Im sure that we can conger up a way to get water in and out with out to many openings. and maybe a closed loop squid to keep plent of water circulation. Maybe a top that will fit like a peg in a hole over the entire opening and over the entire top??
Maybe a tall canopy lined with turf or velcro on the inside. Anything with a really rough, pointy texture that the tiny suckers can't stick to.