If you go with Maxijets, go with the 1200's. You'll also need the mod kit and a sure grip magnet. Maxijet $17.19, Sureflo mod $19.99, magnet $34.99. For a total of $72.17
The cheaper option would be to go with the Koralia 4, then buy a highflow propeller/magnet assembly. Koralia 4 is on sale at fosters&smith for $44.99, and the prop/mag assembly (highflow) is $ 6.99. For a total of $51.98 each. There's a long thread on RC that claims the Koralia gets better flow than the maxijet mod, with a broader flow pattern. Plus you can adjust the direction.
Here's a website with the various mod kits available, as well as just the propeller/magnet mods:
Also, the seio controller works with the Koralia's (according to the thread). Here's a link to the thread in case your interested.
Good luck.