Kenya Tree gone crazy

About 2 weeks ago my Kenya Tree looked great, growing and beautiful about 8" tall. Then it started looking as though something was on the base of it and it was dying.
I let it go to watch and see what would happen. I was tempted to pull it out several times fearing that it would hurt some of the other corals.
I let it go and now have many little kenya tree all over the place, mainly on the sand.
Should I round these up and mount them? At this point there are way too many for the tank, so I need to do something with them.
They look healthy so, what's next?
My Kenyas tend to throw off pieces, and I put them in my sump to attach themselves to rocks. You can net them to a rock, but I would not recommend tying, as that just makes more pieces. I've had minimal success with gel glue; it makes the base hard and not attach to the rock.

Just my experience :wink:
Thanks guys!
I was thinking of keeping a couple and throwing the rest out. Just don't like to throw things away that are live, UGH!
Well, I'm sure there is someone "out there" that wouldn't mind a piece or two, you could always post in the For Sale, and give them away.
Won't the lfs take them for trade? If you decide not to give them away, you might try that. You might not get much for them, but at least you can use them for credit toward something else you might want.