ID this coral PLEASE.

I need to know what this is and some care suggestions for this.
I just started to see it open up a little, but need some assistance on what to feed this little one.

Sorry for the bad pic, but hopefully it will work.

They look like zoanthids.
You can feed them with Phyto, but I wouldn't worry to much about feeding them right now. Just give them light, and good tank conditions, and they should all open up, and flourish for you. If they don't open within the next couple days, you may have to dip them because they may be carrying a parasite, that is keeping them from opening.
However, zoanthids are typically one of the easiest things to care for in the hobby.
zoanthid of some sort
medium flow and medium light area should get it going just fine

.:edit:. doubt, what drew said
@Wes wrote:
zoanthid of some sort medium flow and medium light area should get it going just fine .:edit:. doubt said:
Thanks for stopping by Wes, please move along now.