how to frag branching hammer.

i need help. my hammer has gotten too big and is crowding my other corals. how do i frag a branching hammer? ive heard stuff about a dremel which i dont know what that is. and ive heard people breaking it with their hands. whats the best and most safe method for the coral? thx.
a dremel is a type of small preecise power tool, google it to see a pic. using a dremel or some other cutting device like cutting shears is best and really probably the only option if it is large. breaking it off by hand would be dangerous as you could break too close to the tissue and if its large and thick it may be really tough to do.

see the red line in this pic, thats where you would want to cut the hammer at.
This is a Dremel. You can get the same type of tool in other brands.