Herbivore needed: apply within

David Gibson

Premium Member
I'm wanting to get an herbivore for my tank, but since my tank is only 58g, I don't think a tang is going to be a good choice. What other suggestions would you have for long term compatibility for my size tank? About the only one I'm thinking of is a lawnmower blenny.
@Gramalkin wrote:
I'm wanting to get an herbivore for my tank said:
Any other fish in the tank or planned to be in there? Lawnmowers are nice additions and d0 a good job. Might also consider a pygmy angel. I wouldn't rule out a tang, but you'd be better off starting with a 2-3" and limiting to a few species like a Yellow or a Kole Tang. Once it grows to 5" then simply trap it and sell it and buy another of the original size, it may take a year or 5 for it to grow that size depending on the species and food etc.
Currently, there is just a pair of clownfish in there and some shrimp and snails. I'm considering some flasher wrasse, or possible a yellow hogfish for the future, but I intend to try to keep the number of fish small.
@Gramalkin wrote:
Currently said:
None of those would be a problem for any of the above then and sounds like a good mix. You're looking at a couple of potential jumpers, so make sure you have a canopy or mesh above them to bounce them back into the tank :)