Hello im new!

Just set up my first salt water tank. 72 gallon bowfront
Will eventually have coral, and I'm planning around my final fish being a marine betta.
started with 80lb of live sand.

In the canister (sunsun hw-304b), ceramic noodles, 80 bio balls, 2 liters of seachem bio matrix, 2 bags of carbon, also it has a 9w uv light.

The rock was dry Texas Holey rock, im counting on the matrix to take care of the bio load.

My light is a Current USA Orbit Marine Aquarium LED Light 36 inch

live stock is as follows.
2-juvenile black and white clown fish
6-Emerald crabs
1-peppermint shrimp
1-Banded starfish

Let me know what you think any input would be helpful https://vimeo.com/165658698